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vajinal kaşıntı tedavisi hi friends, I live in istanbul ümranide my name is ahmet I am 20 years old. my crispy sister Esra is an 18-year-old thin girl with long hair, 55 pounds, extremely beautiful. three months ago, my father and mother went to him because my grandfather in the village was ill. we won’t be coming to us anytime soon, they advised us to be careful at home, do it like this, and they left. i was tired of sitting at home, so I called my friend Hakan. my parents went to the village, I’m bored at home, I said come and sit with us. he said ok, after a while hakan came. Dec. i told my brother, I said bring us a coke. he was in the kitchen, he said OK, I’ll bring it in a little later. hakan and I went on the Internet on the computer. we were looking at porn videos. then my brother came into the room and brought our cokes. at that moment, my friend stayed to look at my brother. because my brother was wearing a summer top and the weather was hot, he had a low-cut chest strap and a mini skirt. there were no pantyhose underneath. my friend was looking at my brother’s legs. while my brother was giving us our coke, the cleavage of the chest was opened a little more, my friend’s eyes were opened like this fortune stone.then my brother left the room and went to the other room. we were horny looking at porn sites on the Internet. then my friend, my dear, took a drink, there is no one anyway, let’s buy a drink and have a drink, he said. the place selling drinks was far from our house, it took about half an hour on foot. i said okay, let’s go. Let’s go. i’m tired, I’ll wait here, he said, you take it and come. there was vodka and whiskey in our closet, but I didn’t tell the judge that. okay, I thought I’d get it and come back. I left the room, closed the door. i called out to another room, I’ll get a drink from my little brother outside, I’ll come, you take the empty coke glasses from the room, I said, okay, he said. I opened the outer door, took my shoe in my hand and quickly entered the closet in my parents’ bedroom. i did it to figure out what my friend was going to do when I got out. i’ve been waiting for a while. then my brother went into the other room to get the empty glasses, my friend was extremely horny because he was watching porn. when he saw my brother like that, he couldn’t stand it and wanted to do something to my brother because he thought I was out. when my brother entered the room, my friend was stroking his dick through his pants and watching porn. my brother took the glasses from the room and grabbed my brother’s arm as he left. he took a knife out of his pocket and held it to my brother’s throat.he said if you scream, I’ll cut you off, don’t make a sound. my brother was too scared.he tied my brother’s hands behind his back. he tied it to his mouth with a cloth. he took my brother to bed. he climbed on it. he started robbing my brother. there was fear in my brother’s eyes, tears were streaming from his eyes. he couldn’t scream because his mouth was turbaned and his hands were tied. he took off my brother’s skirt and underpants. when he puts his remaining dick in her pussy, my brother starts to flutter. my friend gave my brother two slaps. then he got up and started driving his thick and big cock into my brother’s tiny pussy. when he started to put his cock in her pussy, my brother was struggling, but he couldn’t stop it. Tears were flowing from his eyes. when I looked at my brother’s pussy at that time, blood was coming from his pussy. my friend was fucking her pussy as if she were tearing it apart, without caring at all about my brother’s crying and mercilessly. he was pumping my crazy-looking blind little brother’s pussy. I was watching the events through the door opening. this situation was Junking me too. for some reason, my best friend was fucking my sister. I didn’t prevent this from happening. after a while, he ejaculated into it. he took pictures of my brother like that. he said don’t tell anyone about this incident, I will kill you. my brother was crying. I took the whiskey and vodka from the cupboard. at that time, my friend untied my brother’s hand and opened the cloth in his mouth. except me, I pretended to enter the door, opened the door, closed it back. then I entered the room, my brother had no miniskirt under him, no underwear. there was blood on the bed. I left the bag on the ground in my hand. I went to my brother. you did what you were going to do while I was away, and now it’s over. now I said I would do it too, so as not to resist this incident. my brother was begging me not to do it. hakan, I said help me. he immediately grabbed my brother’s hands. i said domalt. he turned it around. my brother was crying. i said I wouldn’t fuck the hole my friend fucked in. i got behind him and spat my dick out. i was holding it against my brother’s back hole, trying to get in. my brother was crying. i loaded up, grabbed her around the waist, stuck her head in, I wanted to squeeze her fast, I wanted to scream, cry, cry, fuck her. my brother was screaming, crying, but he couldn’t get away. i was fucking fast, and after a while I came on my brother’s ass. then we got dressed, my brother was crying. he was exhausted, we told him not to tell anyone about this incident. my friend threatened him. my brother didn’t tell anyone. it’s going on right now. my friend doesn’t tell anyone because there is someone who keeps secrets. it’s going on right now.

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