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sen porno anne After I’ve been interested in these sex stories for a long time, I wanted to get up the courage and tell what happened to me. Telling it here gives a person a different mode. When I first decided that I wanted to write, there was a concern that I would get into fears if someone came out, if someone saw me around, it caused fear for a moment, but then when I thought logically, I realized that the people who came in here would not recognize me. My name is Kemal, I am a 35-year-old athlete and I am a fun guy who always goes into different environments. My job is to be a lawyer, I can say that my job is crooked as someone who breaks what I keep in a good lawyer. I’m a very flirtatious man, doctor, I have a wife, I can’t stop cheating on her, even though she’s a very sexy and stylishly dressed person. The reason is because of my passion for women, I don’t even want to think about a world without women. Besides, my wife only gives it twice a week, but I go to different women because that’s not enough for me. It’s both good for him and because he gave me two that week, he approaches me with longing. At first, to tell the truth, when we were doing it every day, his eyes would never come out, but then I looked at it, I thought would it be okay to give so little to a horny man like me, so I secretly Decamped from time to time. In fact, I cheated on my wife with a lawyer woman like myself first, she was a very wonderful woman, whether it was her body or her stylish appearance, it was all different. She was a brunette, a tall girl with sexy legs, of course it was very nice to be with her, but our relationship ended very quickly when she left here, and we ended our relationship. We still see each other once in a while, but we only talk on the phone, I can’t go all that way because I’m going to fuck a pussy somewhere far away from Dec. There are so many sex-starved pussies here that they’re almost all going to line up. I’m a handsome man, and I’m an experienced lawyer, so I attract women’s attention. I maintain the most arranged contacts with the women who work with me. It makes it easier to be with them, I’m both their lawyer and their fucker. I led such a life for a long time, and then just when I was taking a break and Decently spending time with my family, one day I went to the hospital with flowers to surprise my wife and I was going to take her out to dinner. There was a doctor like him who was chatting with my wife when I walked into his room and went in. But I can’t tell you what kind of lady was a doctor, there was no such a disaster, there was no chick, there was another, quite perfect woman in front of me, with long blonde hair. As I saw her for the first time, she entered my mind by saying that this is the woman I dreamed I was looking for at work. But I pulled myself together right away so that my wife wouldn’t have any doubts, and my wife said hello and told me that I would take her out to dinner. At that time, he introduced me to his friend Lale, and when I held his hands and said hello, I got a wiggling inside, I was weird. We were going to have dinner at that time, and anyway, my wife told her friend to come too. As luck would have it, I took my wife and that blonde doctor I saw to dinner. During dinner, I was very polite and made my charisma speak. I managed to impress him, and then I reached out to him online and spoke to him in a friendly way. After a while, our friendship suddenly started to become a friendship. Dec. There was a married husband in the room, but at the end of a long struggle, when we realized that we felt different feelings for each other, we tried to meet. I have rented a rented villa in a remote place where no one will see. I called him, he came, it was going to be our first meeting, everything was as we wanted, we drank with him with 18 years of wine, and then we reached a nice cool head. Of course, there was a good feeling that attracted us to each other, we started making love. I have never forgotten the feeling of that moment when I kissed her, and then we cooked on the sofa where we were sitting before going to bed with her. She had a very good pussy as well as her beauty, I couldn’t get enough of licking, and I licked and never got out of it. He had tasted me very well for a long time and said that he wanted to meet Dec sometime and that no one should hear about it. We got along happily that day, and after we Decamped there separately, we started seeing each other occasionally.

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